Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some Q&A we think might interest you.

Please write a comment if you would like us to answer other questions.

Why is the rover called Euro RPyRover?

At the heart of the rover is a Raspberry Pi B+ (aka RPi) and Python programming. Hence the RPyRover. The Euro part stems from the fact that this rover is the brainchild of two brothers and their father, that lived in three different countries in the months it took to complete the project (Portugal, Belgium and Spain).

Why Raspberry Pi (and not Arduino, for example)?

There isn’t a technical reason for this choice. We had a couple of RPi when we thought of the project. An Arduino would probably work as well and would have the added benefit of it being a real-time system, unlike the RPi. On the other hand we used Linux to launch other programs as sub-processes in order to blink the headlights while doing other things.

Something else in mind?

If you have another question for us please write a comment below and we’ll do our best to answer it.

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